Reply to post: Re: Can't disagree

In Rust we trust: Shoring up Apache, ISRG ditches C, turns to wunderkind lang for new TLS crypto module

Phil Lord

Re: Can't disagree

This is true. Rust has gone the approach of having a small standard library and then a dependency mechanism. This avoids the issue that Python has with a big standard library a lot of which is covered in rust (sorry, bad pun). And, so while the core of Rust is relatively stable (not compared to C) and has strong promises about forward compatibility, it's hard to get far using just Rust the language and standard library.

There needs to be an additional layer of metadata in the dependency ("crate") infrastructure that lets you know which crates are stable enough and which going to provide future stability promises. This would allow you to get some idea of how long the software that you are building on is likely to be supported for.

At the same token, Rust version moves are generally pretty easy to manage, and were fairly well tooled. They haven't got to the Python2/3 (or Perl 6!) situation so far.

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