Reply to post: Re: Real problem mentioned first

In Rust we trust: Shoring up Apache, ISRG ditches C, turns to wunderkind lang for new TLS crypto module

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Real problem mentioned first

So I get to sufffer and then do in assembler.

Again with the safety. It's a vague undefined term. The code works or it doesn't. If you can't find anything with AFL and valgrind, and asan/ubsan stick a fork in it, it's done.

These have specific meanings, AFL means I fuzzed it with mutation input and couldn't make it deviate from expected behaviour. valgrind / asan prove my memory is accounted for.

diverse compliation on multiple platforms check for different warnings, and not a single line of assembler needs.

Barriers are inserted where I need barriers. Cryptographic code is the last place, I want Rust.

CBC mode has a look when implemented in C.

CTR mode has a look when implemented in C.

That's the community who measure things by how easy it is to implement in hardware.

Safety is yet to be defined, except in contradiction to C.

I don't want to trade essential liberties for temporary safety, and then doing in assembler.

Why? I can do it with C++ and ruby and never need to touch assembler.

I have portable threads, mutexs, condition variables.

I have a decent data structure library,

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