Reply to post: Re: IP4ME

Perl-clutching hijackers appear to have seized control of 33-year-old programming language's .com domain

Peter Gathercole Silver badge


Global DNS has been available since around the mid '80s, and before then there were so few systems on the Internet that they could be held in a publicly available hosts.txt file, distributed from Stanford University.

Even now, you can use dotted IP addresses on the internet, or even just single integers (try using https://2398766906, I promise that you can ignore the self signed certificate error, and the only reason you may not want to end up there is if you dislike Google. I wanted to use 1746011158, but apparently Cloudflare do not allow connections using raw IP addresses - how the Internet has been controlled).

Only masochists or people hunting for the dark web (or maybe the Pirate Bay) would use IP addresses directly since forever unless you had a very inept sysadmin!

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