Reply to post: Re: Fines should never be less than £1 per call

Four cold calling marketing firms fined almost £500k by ICO

DJO Silver badge

Re: Fines should never be less than £1 per call

Telcos try do it on the cheap with automated systems and you get legitimate operators blocked

As long as the automated systems just flag a potential problem to the "human in the loop" then it's fine, if the automatic systems can cut a line then there will be problems.

The carriers make millions, they can afford an office with half a dozen people to monitor what the automatic systems are doing.

Any disruption to a registered legitimate business should incur large penalties.

If the carriers know mistakes will significantly impact their bottom line, they will ensure adequate safeguards are in place.

The only way we'll get rid of this problem is to make too expensive for the carriers to ignore it.

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