Reply to post: Re: There is no free lunch

Facebook finally finds something it thinks is truly objectionable and needs to be taken offline: Apple

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: There is no free lunch

I use Facebook because it's the easiest way to stay in touch with people around the world, and as noted by naïve, it's a good way to connect with people with similar interests. That said, I use it through a web browser on a tablet that only gets used for social media and internet games so there's nothing on there worth worrying about.

Is there any real difference between religious zealots who say "you are evil and deserve to die for worshipping a different deity" and the frothing anti-facebook crowd who decry anything suckerborg does while happily carrying mobile phones and using the internet? Suckerborg is a bottom-feeder of the very worst variety, but he does provide a useful service. You don't have to use it, but not using it doesn't give you any more right to talk down to those who do than one group of people with an allegedly omnipotent imaginary friend have the right to trash-talk another group of people with a different allegedly omnipotent imaginary friend.

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