Reply to post: Re: To the author : Thank you

Honor has flown the nest: Announces first phone as an independent firm, inks deals with supply chain big dogs

Charlie Clark Silver badge

Re: To the author : Thank you

Wireless charging has to be the worst, most inefficient way anyone could have invented to charge a phone.

Not really. Given a reasonable surface area and low enough current the losses are not that much greater than with many power supplies, which often have shitty transformers. Good phones with good chargers are now very good at getting this right. This is one of the reasons I switched to extension cables with integrated USB ports. I don't have any scientific data, but given the number of 5V devices I could switch to using them, I'm pretty certain it's had an impact.

And, overall, in the lifecycle of a mobile phone, the energy used to charge it is tiny compared with production and decommissioning.

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