Reply to post: Re: @AC - Sorry, but no

Must 'completely free' mean 'hard to install'? Newbie gripe sparks some soul-searching among Debian community

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: @AC - Sorry, but no

BS - All the init scripts were copy and paste of 100s of lines of boilerplate to get command line options "start/stop/restart/etc/...." to work.

All they do in the end is launch or kill a program command line... Using hand-rolled bash code to track PIDs in a var file.

Some of them detect crashes and restart (never in a standardised way), some of them support setting uid/pid/chroot and sandbox (never in a standardised way), some of them implement event stuff that should be in SysV init but was never added (events like Ctrl-alt-del and UPS error events are there, hardware change is not)...

Anyone who has learnt both InitRC and systemd will know why systemd exists.

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