Reply to post: Re: 5G is fine with the plebs

Dell CTO shares his hottest trends for 2021: Four interesting technologies, one of which is still borderline sci-fi for now

Roland6 Silver badge

Re: 5G is fine with the plebs

>I recall similar arguments when 4G arrived.

>I have 5G and I live in the kind of coverage that would make a conspiracy theorist’s eyes swivel independently of one and other. In addition to the attention grabbing download speeds, it gives a consistency of service that 4G does not.

I seem to remember the early adopters of 4G who enjoyed similar coverage levels ie. they lived in a area 'blessed' by an operator, saying similar things...

>I find these arguments against progress about as compelling as arguing against gravity.

Not arguing against 'progress' (whatever that is), just keeping the eyes open and applying learning from history as we've been here before: 4G, 3G, GPRS...

If we look at 4G, remember it was supposed to support speeds of up to 1Gbps, however, EE "the fastest 4G network", caps download speeds at 60Mbps, which is still less than half the download speed my 2014 4G LTE mid-range phone supported.

I suggest with 5G we can expect similar and in fact this is exactly what EE are saying, implying that they will be capping 'normal' 5G download speeds at 100Mbps.

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