Reply to post: Re: Disgraceful

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Someone Else Silver badge

Re: Disgraceful

Why are so many Americans so clueless about their own constitution?

The answer to this question can be found by examining the posts of the MAGATs on this (and other) forum(s). It's not so much that they are clueless (although that is a factor, make no mistake). Rather, they are willfully ignorant, because the actual facts don't support their forgone conclusions. The resulting cognitive dissonance would, in a sane, balanced individual result in a reevaluation of their conclusion. In the typical MAGAT, this cognitive dissonance results in anger and rage at the presenter of facts, and dismissal of said presenter as an authoritative person, a cogent/competent person, or even a human being (cf. Donald tRump).

MAGAT: Make America Great Again Trumper

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