Reply to post: Re: a Unicorn Argent armed, crined and unguled Proper

OpenAI touts a new flavour of GPT-3 that can automatically create made-up images to go along with any text description

Jonathan Richards 1 Silver badge
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Re: a Unicorn Argent armed, crined and unguled Proper

Years ago, I started to write a program which I called Blazon, which used a description like that you quote (although I started more simply) and parsed it as if it was a scene description language, like PovRay. It's fairly easy to get "Sable, a cross Argent" for the Cornish flag of St Piran, but the precise grammar and parsing it to SVG (which was the strategy I adopted) defeated me in the end. Perhaps I should take it up again, since I'm not going anywhere!!

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