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Boeing will cough up $2.5bn+ to settle US fraud charge over 737 Max safety


List price is not profit. They've actually delivered a little over 300 of them. Count the development costs, supposedly as much as $3 billion, and they're very unlikely to have made any profit at all so far. The extra 400 or so that they haven't been allowed to deliver have been actively costing them money. Thats is, after all, the whole reason to rush it through without proper certification in the first place - plane are expensive to design and build, and don't have a huge prodit margin, so there's always a big drive to reduce cost wherever possible and get things delivered to customers as soon as possible.

An even simpler way to look at it is to ignore all the details and just look at Boeing as a whole. In 2019 they lost over $600 million. In 2020 they weren't able to sell a single one of their shiniest new plane, and in fact had a significantly number of orders withdrawn, and that's before you even start looking at the near collapse of the plane industry due to the pandemic. They've now been fined an additional $2.5 billion. There can really be little question that this is actually a pretty significant hit to their finances.

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