Reply to post: Re: You get what you pay for

My website has raised its anchor and set sail into the internet oceans without me

Falmari Silver badge

Re: You get what you pay for

But it is not a phone it is a very powerful small portable computer that can also make phone calls.

Most users will not need to have more memory, just like most users do not need to increase the disc space of their PC. But some do need extra storage for data. My phone has a 128 GB micro SD card and all my data and downloads are saved to it, only apps are saved to the built in memory. My card stores videos, all my Spotify music, my music, documents, word and pdfs etc.

The reason I have so much data is that the data is then easily accessible, does not require a connection and does not not use up my data allowance when I do have a good fast connection.

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