Reply to post: Re: Clouds are great!

Google told BGP to forget its Euro-cloud – after first writing bad access control lists


Re: Clouds are great!

@anonymous (yeah, I know) What you are very effectively pointing out is that a lot of people (including you) don't understand the first thing about making cloud deployments reliable. As @doublelayer & @xamol are both trying to explain to you, it is quite easy to make cloud deployments far more reliable than anything on-prem.

The main issue is that people like you keep thinking that on-prem is the ultimate in reliablity when it clearly is not when compared to a correctly architected cloud deployment. At least not for anything but the very largest organizations (cf DCs in > 2 geos + competent staff to maintain 24/7/365 + significant opex budgets)

The fact is that cloud failures are public events with subsequent investigations of root causes, hence data availability for reliability is (relatively) public. With on-prem, you and I have no idea and there is no accountability.

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