Reply to post: Re: I think people are overreacting a bit

Rocky Linux is go: CentOS founder's new project aims to be 100% compatible with Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: I think people are overreacting a bit

"CentOS stream is just a RHEL-based rolling release distro, "

No, it's not *just* that. For several reasons:

1) It isn't and won't be compatible

2) It's by definition a *beta* software

3) "Rolling release" is specifially something you do not want for production environment

So every adjective you used to describe it, is wrong from actual production use point of view. OK, it' works for home machines or toying around but Fedora does that as well.

So you just don't understand and, derived from that, think people are overreacting. Basically CentOS as production platform is dead, murdered by IBM. That's not a small thing.

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