Reply to post: Re: What's all the fuss?

Rocky Linux is go: CentOS founder's new project aims to be 100% compatible with Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: What's all the fuss?

> Moreover, right within the announcement RH also stated that they're working on further options, both free and paid.

And you apparently believe them.

That's at the heart of the bad situation Red Hat have created here -- trust. Many people feel, with some justification, that Red Hat (IBM?) pulled the rug out.

E.g. had Red Hat announced Stream very promptly after CentOS 8.0, before even the early-adopters were fully committed to 8, or waited until 9 and left 8 updates availability unchanged, I expect some of the uproar and discontent wouldn't be happening now.

Instead they did it right on the heels of 8.3, when 8 has been out long enough for some folks to already be invested in it or at least making plans, with the expectation of 10 years of support which had been announced.

Now those people have to revisit their investment and plans, and they have about a year to sort it out -- not 10. And the available alternatives are not all equivalent to the prior status quo, for reasons others have already expressed.

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