Reply to post: Re: Been there (sort of)

There are two sides to every story, two ends to every cable

A K Stiles

Re: Been there (sort of)

My mother in law - couldn't figure out why her printer no longer worked, until I ascertained that she'd had a problem with her wireless router a few months previously and they'd sent out a new one so the ssid and password were now different... Ah - okay so the printer needs to connect to the new network settings, but the WPS button approach won't work. Right, connect it to the laptop via USB - "where's the lead for the printer?" "What lead?" "It would look a bit like (describe USB A to B lead)" "Oh. all the leads I have are in this drawer" <opens drawer with three wires in it, none are USB A-B> "There should be another one - it came with the printer" (A fact I know to be true as I used it to set the system up originally). "Oh, I must have thrown it out with a bunch of other stuff I wasn't using"...

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