Reply to post: Re: Republic?

Let's check in now with the new California monolith... And it's gone, torn down by a bunch of MAGA muppets


Re: Republic?

Actually you just have to be a religion. Like the Temple of Satan (Temple note, not Church) a non congregationalist registered religion. Which means it gets all the rights and privileges of religions there. Like no tax status, like equal treatment under the law with the other religions.

Like after school atheism club is not allowed in many places. So afternoon Satan clubs happened instead and cannot be stopped (registered religion). They do reason and science there like they would in Atheism club but there’s marginally more black clothing and matte silver jewellery involved.

When some bible thumping state legislator wants to erect the 10 commandments or a cross on the courthouse lawn (state property, can’t do that) the CoS turns up with their large bronze statue of Maphomet and adoring children and insists on equal treatment under the law. The religious types back down sharpish.

it is both much quicker, cheaper and more effective than suing them. The lawyers aren’t pleased.

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