Reply to post: Re: Omnisec

China bans encryption exports – including quantum and key management tech

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Omnisec

Neg modders:

If you Google "[bracket usage search term]", you'll get results that walk you through the use of the square brackets as a thing that denotes a search term.

So in the original comment [Crypto AG] will return relevant results. So will [Omnisec AG SRF]. Whether the word 'Google' is used or not isn't the important thing, see the square brackets and realize that's a search term.

[Crypto AG] and [Omnisec AG SRF] are two examples of US backdoored encryption resulting in compromised equipment in the West. Now vulnerable to Russian attack courtesy of their political puppets.

What are the chances of 3 backdoored encryptions? Well 100%, we already know about

[Dual_EC_DRBG] the not-so-random key generator. That's a random number generated from a key, and that root key is now compromised.

You can see that it seems to be everyday practice to backdoor the wests crypto, so any nation with secure crypto has more security than the west.

Given the news of last week on Omnisec, the Chinese move is likely related to it.

USA suffers the [Brett Kavanaugh Russian Election Interference] problem, Brett legitimized money flows into US politics from foreign entities. His ruling was cited by the Russians in their funding of Trump and the GOP. Trump is not a one-off, he's the pattern for the next 20-50 years. Any backdoor you create for yourself will be handed to those pulling the puppets strings. Today Russia, tomorrow China. Those backdoors in turn can be used to help get more puppets into power. By adding backdoors to your encryption systems you are writing your own demise.

Don't add the backdoors.

You 5 eyes lot perhaps know history. Stories of traitors opening the gates to cities and letting the army in the backdoor to murder the villagers while they sleep? That's you, those backdoors you created. All that military and all that security and you undermined that. Your backdoors are the open gate they snuck into.

No backdoors.

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