Reply to post: Mr. Pai protected the poor & disadvantaged from the rich

So bye-bye, Mr Ajit Pai. You drove our policy into the levee and we still wonder why

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Mr. Pai protected the poor & disadvantaged from the rich

Former U.S. President Obama & V.P. Biden prior Trump made QoS traffic shaping illegal, forcing lower bandwidth & time sensitive interactive traffic to compete with massive bandwidth hogs, and degrading the internet experience for poor rural, apartment, and inner city communities where capacity was lacking due to lack of investment & not enough payment to sustain higher speed Internet by poor residents,

The IETF engineers knew this type of problem. They created Traffic Shaping with Classes of Service, so inexpensive but time sensitive services could still run reasonably well while poor infrastructure is under duress from higher bandwidth applications,

Trump’s chairman reversed this travesty, Mr. Pai reversed Net Neutrality,

What Mr. Pai did was protect the poor, in areas where internet access had been slow, from the wealthy content providers who consumed precious bandwidth beyond poor infrastructure capacity and negatively impacted other interactive services.

Mr. Pai was a champion for poor & disadvantaged & rural Americas, by making QoS legal again. Those in the rich cities & wealthy areas of the nation were completely ignorant of the plight of most of the nation.

The less advantaged, who understood how they were targeted with third-world interactive services by people prior Trump’s Mr. Pai, were glad when populists like Trump placed people like Pai in positions of authority, who cared about helping the least advantaged, before pandering to the suppression of the masses by the most wealthy.

An old article from an engineer, who understood the issues at that time.

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