Reply to post: Re: Unashamed PHP fan

Marmite of scripting languages PHP emits version 8.0, complete with named arguments and other goodies

Tom 7

Re: Unashamed PHP fan

I've written a couple of online shops and customer support db apps and a db app document/security controller with it around the turn of the millennium. Not been near it since - I found I had to write a few functions to wrap it to prevent it doing PHP things but I found the ASP approach far easier to manage and maintain than Django or Flask even with bizarre PHP quirks. Its so much easier to interface the server with the client when most of the code is on the same file and screen.

I may pop back and see if the new version solves a couple of problems that worried me about the language 15 years ago as I have a particular fondness for ASP that even VB didnt put me off.

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