Reply to post: Re: Why 5G ?

How the US attacked Huawei: Former CEO of DocuSign and Ariba turned diplomat Keith Krach tells his tale

Kevin McMurtrie Silver badge

Re: Why 5G ?

LTE is a dead-end in areas where there can be serious bandwidth deficiencies - both urban and remote. 5G opens the doors for combining more spectrum, adjusting traffic priorities, boosting spectrum efficiency, and decentralizing some IP connectivity. Essentially, 5G is some needed upgrades for technical reasons that consumers don't care about. Upgrades are being driven by consumer-friendly hype, and that hype can only be maintained if there's a rapid and working upgrade path provided by telcos. Phones with 5G will only be built if there's enough consumer hype to drive sales. That's why there's such a high demand for 5G infrastructure equipment.

Yes, Telcos want you to get off the old radios. Most people here can sympathize with the hassles of maintaining many versions of a product at once.

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