Reply to post: Re: Design vs Use

Privacy campaigner flags concerns about Microsoft's creepy Productivity Score

Jellied Eel Silver badge

Re: Design vs Use

...its even more frightening when you realise this is just the tip of the iceberg of information they are collecting.

It'll be fine. But modern business is.. weird. Executives seem to have been conditioned to outsource their companies most valuable assets & most sensitive documents. Stick'em in a cloud, it'll be fine. It'll improve collaboration! Assuming of course you have a bomb-proof trust model with your cloud provider. If not, well, a hack or unauthorised access might leak your IP and other share price sensitive stuff. But it'll be fine, your company will be entitled to 1 month service credits!

Just share your productivity data with MS in exchange for a few graphs. See how your company stacks up against the competition! Get a free 365 licence if your competitors somehow get access to your data!

I used to despair at the number of well-known brands who'd want me to design secure networks, sometimes with end-end encryption. And having to write detailed responses to how we could protect their businesses when the RFP expressed an intent to move their data into Google apps, or 365. Quite a few CTO/CIOs would probably have been far better serving their shareholders with 3663 products than sipping the Cloud kool-aid.

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