Reply to post: Re: Why do Apple employees need to carry guns ?

Apple's global security boss accused of bribing cops with 200 free iPads in exchange for concealed gun permits

My other car WAS an IAV Stryker
Black Helicopters

Re: Why do Apple employees need to carry guns ?

"It isn't a national security issue..."

My last employer [1] had a sizeable security presence -- originally an internal department, later outsourced -- and while I don't have direct evidence I wouldn't be surprised if firearms were involved [2].

[1] We're talking "restricted areas" where DU armor was designed and handled, amongst other things. I had nothing to do with armor, so I don't know anything except that fact, which everyone knew.

[2] There were bigger guns on the vehicles themselves, but no ammunition. None at all on the entire campus. Ammo stays at the "customer" testing sites in safe, remote areas. Of course, these vehicles are dangerous enough to life & property should anyone decide to joyride, which no one did that I know of -- I'm pretty sure doing so would mean jail time.

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