Reply to post: Re: Ruining Pages

Hundreds of Facebook moderators complain: AI content moderation isn't working and we're paying for it


Re: Ruining Pages

well.....'sucker' "?" (but I agree with the reason) in half the sites that are getting cr@pper and cr@pper are relying on the fact that people already have built-up profiles that they don't want trashed

1) site exists

2) people use it

3) people build up a profile over time

4) site infrastructure does not keep up with the increase in user numbers

5) site performance and useability gets less and less. site requirements might actually increase (while infrastructure doesn't) because it encounters new competition from other sites and has to introduce new features

6) people only continue using the site because they have already put time/effort into building up their profile

I also reckon there might be some silicon valley ego stuff....facebook and insta's s/w engineers get together over lunch, and boast about how their user numbers are going up despite rubbish interface

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