Reply to post: Re: Puerto Rico may not be the best location for a replacement

Adiós Arecibo Observatory: America's largest radio telescope faces explosive end after over 50 years of service

jake Silver badge

Re: Puerto Rico may not be the best location for a replacement

Meteor Crater[0] is square, not round. Seriously, look at it. It's also the wrong shape top to bottom. Turning it into a dish would involve quite a bit more bedrock removal than one might think. Also, sinking the necessary anchors around the circumference would be problematic, due to the impact fractured rock surrounding the site.

Utah has plenty of Earthquakes. See here for current 'quakes.

[0] Strangely enough, it got its name from the nearest Post Office, not the rock from space ... at the time, most folks thought it was Volcanic in nature.

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