Reply to post: Re: Tax failure to consume

Tax working from home, says Deutsche Bank, because the economy needs that lunch money you’re not spending

codejunky Silver badge

Re: Tax failure to consume


"If you're going to extremes."

I am going to extremes but they are factual living conditions in the world currently of poor people (not relative poverty as we have it in the rich countries, but actual factual poverty). I intentionally pointed out this massive extreme difference because your calling for the rich to give governments more applied globally would mean even our minimum wage poor would be paying more tax because globally they are relatively rich.

"Yes there are parts of the world that still largely live like this. We don't currently live there, we all live somewhere that has at least developed to the point of having an internet connection."

Spot on and very importantly true! And why is that? It isnt from grace of robbing the rich to give to the government. Its from that disposable income which allows us to pursue better, which then becomes cheaper, then gets distributed to the globally poor at that extreme we spoke about. Disposable income does not mean money they dont need and cant spend better than government.

"I didn't say that education or health care are luxuries. Indeed for a functional modern society they are essential"

I know you didnt say they are luxuries, but they are. If you want proof go look at those extremely poor and see how education is done. Its working from sparrow fart until dark in a field because otherwise you starve. The idea of any medical care is a luxury of being able to afford it regardless of a Dr or shaman. They may be important to modern society but large portions of the world dont have modern society.

"But that doesn't change the fact that people who earn more can afford to pay more tax, and still live more comfortably than those who pay less tax."

Well said, and as I have said- I look forward to people promoting this to be taxed to hell to give money to governments of poor people. Because you can easily afford it even if you are on UK benefits. That is how poor some people in this world are.

Would those people be better off if we are all made massively poorer to send their govs money? Or would they be better off using the advancements we generate with our disposable incomes and so improving the lives of the people?

"Your entire argument here is misrepresenting my argument."

Sorry but no. I am expanding your argument from just a rich country with relative poverty to people in actual poverty around the world because we in the rich countries are the very people you talk about with creature comforts and disposable income others dont even dream of. I am suggesting your way doesnt work but if you believe it does then you yourself can do something about it voluntarily for the global poor.

"I'm not proposing taxing the rich into oblivion, but the argument that the rich can't pay more tax unless we're all made destitute through taxation is entirely absurd."

YOU ARE THE RICH. Seriously look it up-

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