Reply to post: Re: Sin tax

Python swallows Java to become second-most popular programming language... according to this index

Glen 1

Re: Sin tax

"Can someone explain the appeal?"

**Bad Analogy Warning**

Think of it like Bash but with a big standard library and friendlier $SYNTAX

What python is really good at is glue code. That's why the data science folks doing the hard maths have taken it to heart. Its a case of being able to just get on with stuff while others complain about the minutia of juggling pointers. If you start to bump into python's limits, that's when its time to look for another tool. (eg R)

Look at Jupyter notebooks - you do your hard maths and have the results formatted in a nice graph in the browser window you launched the query from - cutting out many intermediate steps.

Perl could have been what python is. Yet we see it going the way of COBOL

If I may ask, what is it about python that irks you? (open question to everyone)


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