Reply to post: Features yes but..

Banking software firm tiptoes off to the cloud with MariaDB after $2m Oracle licence shocker


Features yes but..

There are a vast number of features in Oracle RDMS but how many of them actually get used in a typical application and how many features are used just because it's the latest thing. It's a bit like MS Word, an un$(deity) number of features but how many actually get used?

The car comparison is actually really appropriate, both have a wheel on each corner and an engine but you can buy 14 Fiestas for your 1 Rolls Royce ( New 2020 versions ). The Rolls may be much nicer in all comparisons but 1 Rolls will not be able to do the work of 14 Fiestas and the maintenance cost of 1 Rolls is higher than the cost of 14 Fiestas.

If you really need the Rolls then by all means you should get one, but don't diss the humble Fiesta when it can still do a decent job.

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