Reply to post: Re: Yay! Party time!

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Jellied Eel Silver badge

Re: Yay! Party time!

Most notably, there doesn't seem to be any accusations of ballot rigging in places where Republicans won. It seems ballot rigging only ever happens in places where an incumbent loses, more so if those areas they lose in are "vital" to not losing overall.

Give it time. The accusations are naturally going to come from the losing party, and in a democratic system need at least a cursory investigation. But ballot rigging's obviously going to be more useful in a marginal state than say, a shock Republican landslide in California. There's been some interesting videos from Project Veritas wrt ballot stuffing that should be investigated. One showed a woman who claimed to be able to deliver ballots for a fee. She may have just been trying to con money out of the reporter, or she may have been serious. Either way, she should probably be jailed for offences against democracy.

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