Reply to post: Re: Pleasant enough place

Now that's a Finnish-ing move: Finland offers free 90-day tryout of Helsinki tech scene with childcare thrown in

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Pleasant enough place

The country is officially bilingual. IIRC only about 6% of the population have Swedish as their mother tongue. My Finnish friends speak Swedish, Finnish, and English fluently. They learned Finnish as that is the standard language used by most Finns - most of whom don't learn Swedish. With the population imbalance many Swedish speakers marry Finnish speakers - so the Swedish speaking population is probably declining.

Swedish is not that different from English. Three extra letters in the alphabet and a few tricky sounds - like the "whistle k" in "kanske". There is the breathy number "8" - for which you can cheat by using the "female" pronunciation. Letter combinations can often have an unexpected pronunciation - you have to remember the group sound and not try to do it by letter phonetics.

A Northern English background is a great help as Swedish has both long and short vowels. People with Southern English pronunciation often struggle with the latter.

I learned it in three months by living in a small village in the 1970s and buying lots of "Asterix the Gaul" books. However I do not have an ear for languages. Unfortunately people would often assume I was fluent when I asked about something - and my favourite phrase was "slowly please". My colleagues in the Stockholm office said I spoke it like a native - of Gothenburg. Apparently that is the equivalent of Scouse English.

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