Reply to post: Re: I sure hope X.Org doesn't die off yet

X.Org is now pretty much an ex-org: Maintainer declares the open-source windowing system largely abandoned


Re: I sure hope X.Org doesn't die off yet

In your discussion of Wayland a few things struck me. You say that features in X are not implemented as the Wayland devs have decided that they are not needed and or undesirable.

Does this attitude not strike a chord?

It seems to me that Gnome devs have a similar attitude of "We know what's best, take it or leave it". You know, like hacking away at Nautilus until only a shell of functionality remained.

It could be arrogance, immaturity or even that they don't give a damn and are writing this stuff for themselves and no one else. Whatever it is they are not making any friends.

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