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Trump's official campaign website vandalized by hackers who 'had enough of the President's fake news'

lglethal Silver badge

OK I gotta ask, where on earth does the 15% of your password thing come from. I mean if my password is 8 letters, they need 1 letter and to be smart and they can hack me? I would almost guarantee that's not the information trump was given, but I wouldnt be surprised if thats how he parsed it.

I wonder if the information was from some NSA person where they were explaining that hackers need to know things like IP address, programs in use, yadda yadda, and the president was like how much of all this information do they need to get in. And the answer, well they need a lot of the information but often they can use other sources to reduce the requirements, at a minimum if they had a reasonable percentage of what I've mentioned and other information is freely available, then its possible an attack could succeed. And Trump parsed that as Oh they need 15% of your password!

It's such an obviously bollocks statement, I cant imagine any other way you could pull that out, except from someone who really doesnt care, but whats sound bites...

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