Reply to post: Re: "We were caught quite off guard"

LibreOffice rains on OpenOffice's 20th anniversary parade, tells rival project to 'do the right thing' and die


Re: "We were caught quite off guard"

I second that - I quit using Office many years ago when I would put more than 3 images in a Word document and the images automatically arranged themselves to where they wanted to go, rather than where I anchored them no matter what anchor method I chose. I ran across Star Office and bought a new copy whenever a new version came out. Star Office (and later, Libre Office) handled formatting much betther than Microsoft Office. When Oracle acquired the Star suite, I continued to use my last version of Star Office as I don't ever intend to intentionally install anything Oracle to keep from running afoul of their licensing. When Libre Office forked off from OO, I started using that and have been quite pleased with it. I do provide technical support to Microsoft Office users and when I have to fix a document that Microsoft Office totally messes up, I open up up the offending document/spreadsheet in Libre Office, fix the document, and resave it. In recent versions of Microsoft Office, I have seldom been able to setup a pivot table that works properly (trying to help a user) in Excel. Calc's implementation of the pivot table is much easier to setup for the tasks I need done. I can't say whether OOO or LO is better or worse than the other. I have just stayed with LO.

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