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Google screwed rivals to protect monopoly, says Uncle Sam in antitrust lawsuit: We go inside the Sherman parked on a Silicon Valley lawn

Binraider Silver badge

Substitute the words "Google Search" for "Microsoft Office", or "Adobe Photoshop". Then read same paragraphs back. What Google have done to stifle competition in search is no less than what MS and Adobe have done for Office applications or Graphics.

After all, the college round the corner from me offers plenty of Photoshop for Beginners, or Excel for Beginners courses. Not "image editing" for beginners or "spreadsheets" for beginners.

Google wields enormous power; because it's search engine usually gets you to what you actually want very quickly. Rarely have as much success with any other engine. Is it using that power to actively attack other search engines? No. Build a better engine than google, and I'll be there in a flash.

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