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Linux 5.10 to make Year 2038 problem the Year 2486 problem

John Brown (no body) Silver badge

"Us system programming types used binary. Years up to 65,535 in two bytes, no problem. Even one byte got you past 2200 with a 1970 epoch."

I once wrote a video rental management system back in the early 80s and I couldn't afford a whole byte for the year, let alone two! Even then, I knew the system would not be in use in 10 years time (it wasn't!) so used 4 bits each for month and year, 5 bits for the day and the remaining three bits for rental status. Film titles were stored using a limited uppercase, numbers + some symbols character set using 6 bits per character and a couple of functions to convert a data string into the simple compression format. Storage was a pair of 180KB floppies and only 48K RAM to play with (or whatever was left after LDOS loaded on a TRS-80.)

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