Reply to post: Re: GitBlit + XWiki

Atlassian pulls the plug on server licences, drags customers to the cloud

Nate Amsden

Re: GitBlit + XWiki

as someone who has been fairly hard core confluence user over the past ~13 years or so I have to agree that Xwiki seems to be a good alternative, I installed it on my home network a few months ago. Though I don't have too much in it yet. At the org I work for we have been on the Atlassian cloud since before I was hired more than 9 years ago now I think(briefly brought some things in house such as SVN, and fisheye when they retired their cloud usage of those systems, until the developers eventually moved onto something else and we stopped using those too). The user experience has degraded significantly during that time, and it's really sad to see. I've complained many times but 99% of the time they just ignore it. (par for the course for most SaaS systems I believe).

But I have great hopes for Xwiki.

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