Reply to post: Sigh... the K notation again.

Linux 5.10 to make Year 2038 problem the Year 2486 problem


Sigh... the K notation again.

Where thith the "aka Y2K38" come from? As is usual, when a nice and functional thing created by enigneers and used by engineers lands in the hands of laymen without two layers of protective insulation, cringeworthiness ensues. Just like, for example, the semantic version numbering (remember the 2.0 craze followed by current 4.0 folly?) or the Internet itself, the order-letter notation (or does it have an actual name?) used to great advantage by engineers somehow leaked to the instagram-using youth for whom the letter K seemed to work much better than the digit 0. I couldn't care less if they kept it using just for amusement, but it came the full circle somehow and now whenever I see the letter K on the significatn position, especially following the digit 2, I must ask explicitly whether it really mans K or is just a fancy zero. Otherwise I can't be sure whether the value is 2038 (cool new instagram number format) or 2380, which it had meant for sveral decades before instagram ruining it. Fuc0 it, people, Y2K was not Y2K00!

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