Reply to post: Re: Evidence Eliminator

Software billionaire accused of hiding $2bn in income from IRS – potentially the largest tax scam in US history

Roland6 Silver badge

Re: Evidence Eliminator

In its early editions it was a great piece of software (distributed on magazine cover disks) - hence why the 3 letter agencies and forensic investigators tended to use it themselves but disliked job public using it. However, it then got revamped and received some very heavy-handed pushy and deceptive adware that made you think it was a vehicle for something unsavoury...

If you really need to clean a PC and not want stuff to come back to bite you, without wiping the HDD and starting over then tools such as Evidence Eliminator are a really useful part of the support toolkit. However, in saying that, I've not come across a publicly available tool that can clean all the system areas that rootkits etc. can hide - out of sight of Windows.

What does surprise me, is that given the age of EE (last version released in 2008) is that anyone is still using this software. Wouldn't want to use it on x64 OS's nor on anything more recent than W7/32.

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