Reply to post: Re: Brown-nosing

After Trump, Congress, Supreme Court Justice hit out at tech giants' legal immunity, now FCC boss wants to stick his oar in, too

Anonymous Coward

Re: Brown-nosing


But the reporting on this is that its Obama pulling the strings in the DNC. Its been reported that Obama preferred Kamala Harris, which is why she got the VP slot.

Want to beat the Orangeman... pick better Dems.

Biden has lost more than a step.

(Nancy's 25th Amendment talk was to get Biden out of office ASAP assuming they win.)

Kamala couldn't get the role on her own... remember she left the fray early in the primary.

Beyond the wild flip/flopping ... neither have articulated a consistent set of policies. (e.g. fracking)

Half of Trump's successes are due from removing Obama's EOs.

Sorry, but if we fact check the statement ... "Trump did more in 47 months than what Biden accomplished in 47 years..." its true. Hate or Love the Orangeman, the facts are in his favor.

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