Reply to post: Re: No, everyone didn't copy.

Samsung aims boot at Apple's decision not to bundle a charger in with the iPhone 12, foot ends up in mouth

45RPM Silver badge

Re: No, everyone didn't copy.

How wise. In fact, I’m going to go further. I won’t use a phone that can’t plug into the wall. After all, why risk not being able to call because you have a flat battery? Also, I’m not convinced that having the microphone and speaker in such close proximity gives good sound quality, so I need a phone which provides six or seven inches of separation, and gives those components good support (Bakelite is best). Screens are fragile, so I don’t want a phone with one of those, and buttons might get gummed up - so I won’t buy a phone without a nice, user-friendly, dial.

Colour is good though. Dark green, beige,red and black are clearly the best colours.

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