Reply to post: Alternate reality

The vid-confs drinking game: Down a shot of brandy every time someone titters 'Sorry, I was on mute'

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Alternate reality

Can't subscribe to the idea that signs to warn townies about rural noise is evidence for the matrix. The alternate reality is the guy who bought the house next to the village hall, and then wanted to impose a ban on music and a 9 pm curfew 'because it was disturbing his peace and quiet'. A far as I know my village hasn't had complaints about the lovely church bells but I'm sure it's been though about. In my reality when you bought a house you would have to sign a contract that says something like 'Yes, I know that my house adjoins a field with grazing cows, and that is part of it's charm. I swear that if the cows break into my garden and eat my Dahlias I will consider it an amusing anecdote and not rush to social media and a lawyer to complain'.

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