Reply to post: Because we don't understand superconductivity very well

Good news: Boffins have finally built room-temperature superconductors. Bad news: You'll need a laser, a diamond anvil, and a lot of pressure

DS999 Silver badge

Because we don't understand superconductivity very well

Every additional data point of different types of material that superconducts brings us one step closer to understanding how it works, and being coming closer to the 'holy grail' material that would:

1) superconduct at 100C so no cooling is required even in deserts at the equator

2) be composed of readily available non-toxic inputs

3) be inexpensively manufactured into a strong wire

We've seen enough to believe that such a material is possible, or maybe even likely, but without understanding enough about what makes a material superconducting we're just guessing and either trying materials "similar enough to" known superconductors or completely new strategies like this one to find new "similar enough to" domains to explore.

Hopefully it is like metamaterials and we'll unlock the key so we have a pretty good idea how well something will work before even trying it and won't have to waste time exploring dead ends like ceramics.

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