Reply to post: Re: So here's a thought:

Years after we detected two neutron stars crashing into each other, we're still picking up X-rays. We don't know why

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: So here's a thought:

Your explanation of QE is not the current claim for QE.

You have 5 boxes given to each of 5 people. They each open box 1, you select the subset that have the same shoe in box 1. Declare those two people successfully entangled, then open the other boxes and they contain the same types of shoe in each. Spooky distance effect that happens faster than light!

The type of shoe is claimed to be determined when person 1 opens each box and thus measures each shoe, which in turn dictates the type of shoe in persons 2 corresponding box. Until that measurement is made, the shoe is not defined. The type of shoe in box 1 is claimed to be completely independent to the type of shoe in box2, box3...box5.

That entanglement needs to be both faster than light and yet somehow not.

" and as with quantum entanglement no information is transmitted faster than c"

Of course in reality, the properties are claimed to be independent and are not.

e.g. red shift shows that the frequency and relative motion of the detector are not independent.

Turn polarization into circular polarization via a crystal and you've determine those properties are related.

Rotate that crystal, you get a different result confirming that vertical and horizontal polarization must be interconnected.

So Box1 to Box5 are not independent, there is a relationship between the shoes.

And red shift amount depends on the motion of the detector, not just the light, so you can determine you're not measuring the light, you're measuring the net interaction between the light and the detector for that experiment.

Likewise a crystal that turns 45 degree polarization into clockwise circular polarization, depends on the motion of the crystal as to the resulting spin. So another property of detector and detected that the net effect between the two.

Star X measured by Star Y has a red shift, is Star X moving away from Y, or is Star Y moving away from X, or some combination of the above?

Multiple combinations of properties produce the same net effect between the detector and the detected. As you match up the shoes, you are determining the relationship between detector and detected.

A red left shoe in box 1, narrows it to one net interaction. The same blue right shoe in box2 narrows it further, till the relationship is established and the remaining shoes are the same.

So the properties appear to be independent, yet they are not.

[This you correctly assumed when you assumed that the boxes contain a pair and if one if left shoe the other must be right shoe! i.e. your attempt to explain QE correctly points to the error in QE!]

So if you open enough boxes to determine that person 1 and person 2 have the same net different between their detector and their box set, you can then open the remaining boxes and they will be the same because the content of the boxes are connected.

So of course QE doesn't work as claimed. YOU DO NOT SET THE CONTENT OF THE SHOE BOX WHEN YOU OPEN THE BOX!

Except in this case the content of the box is always some sort of motion. Spin, oscillation rate, oscillation axis, all properties are motion, all of these independent properties are types of motion. So its much more obvious when you realize they're all motion.

What would a form of motion that ends up not moving across space be called? We'll lets label it mass, just so you can realize that matter is another form of motion, and must also be related.

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