Reply to post: Re: One question

BBC Micro:bit with boosted specs and onboard mic to go on sale from next month

David 132 Silver badge
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Re: One question

Thank you for spotting the same point that struck me.

The BBC Micro line was never "reasonably affordable" for the average family, not even vaguely so. The years have fuzzed my memory, but I do seem to recall that pricing circa 1984/5 for the various home computing machines was something like

ZX81: £79

Spectrum 48K: £129.99

Spectrum+ 48K: £179.99 (I remember this one very clearly, cos I got one for Christmas, after much pestering)

Commodore 64: £300?

BBC B: £399

And that's back when £399 was a lot of money (the equivalent of almost £1300 today, according to the BoE Inflation Calculator)

IOW it was well out of the reach of most families. But absolutely ubiquitous in schools, who must have been subsidised by the government to buy them. Certainly my school had a lab with about 15 Bs and, later, a couple of Master 128s. Mr Higgins, Room 1, right-hand side, end of the long corridor on the right just before the canteen. Ah, school days. Jumpers for goalposts, etc etc.

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