Reply to post: All for one, one for all ....... if you have nothing to hide?

Five Eyes nations plus Japan, India call for Big Tech to bake backdoors into everything

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

All for one, one for all ....... if you have nothing to hide?

Some opinions and calls for prosecution in some instances which are secured against wilful and wanton persecution and thought reasonably safe against crazy misinterpretation may be clearly demented, and the result of a debilitating neurological disease, rather than simply flirting around in the company of evil. To imagine there being no backdoor access to all encrypted systems, both elite and common, politically correct and incorrect, in favour of a remotely decided subjective limited access to a select few which are threatening just a relatively small number of status quo stabilities, is always going to struggle to be thought wise and perfectly acceptable rather than exposed as being liable and immediately an object subjected to rampant abuse and self-serving criminal and ethical misuse. ...... for such is the obscene nature of the beast concocting the scene.

And such prosecutions and persecutions with demented solutions are not confined to encrypted services. Plain common free speech in the questions one asks, and in the answers in replies from others way beyond one's command and control, are also targets for pernicious attack in a mad manic and panic endemic world, and here be a current, present 0day sub-prime example of that particular abomination? ........ Lord Advocate Launches War on Twitter

All your thoughts belong to us ‽ ...... In your wet dreams maybe, but in any real world situation, no way, Jose. Capiche, Kemo Sabe?

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