Reply to post: Re: Pork Rockets

Boeing Starliner commander Christopher Ferguson bows out of first crewed mission due to family commitments


Re: Pork Rockets

Musk may be eccentric but he has the sense to let the engineers do their thing. Not only that he let and encouraged them to think big and lauded them when they succeeded. To watch the synchronised landing of the boosters from the mission launching starman aboard that car was both to see mesmerising mechanical ballet but bleeding edge tech in action.

It is hard to completely dislike a man who enabled that to happen. I thought he SciFi thing (cf Forbidden Planet for eg) for rockets to land on their fins was unachievable. Then Musk’s engineers proved me wrong. You just need the right computing and movement control and enough money to burn making it almost work then iterate to workings sometimes to working reliably. I’m happy to admit I was wrong.

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