Reply to post: Re: Time to get rid of ICANN?

ICANN begs Europe: Please fill in the blanks on this half-assed GDPR-compliant Whois we came up with

R Soul Silver badge

Re: Time to get rid of ICANN?

no, it's you who is missing the point.

companies like facebook, twitter, google, amazon, apple, etc already have total control of the user/victim experience. they make sure their sheeple are kept locked inside their platforms wihout needing their own noot. so there's no need for them to bother with the expense an hassle of arranging their own replacement root. it doesn't give them any more control than they've got today. once you step into their walled gardens, they've already got you by the balls.

if they did use their own alternate roots, the authorities and ambulance-chasers in just about every country would have them in court faster than you can say class action anti-trust lawsuit.

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