Reply to post: Re: Here we go again

The next time Microsoft 359 craps itself, at least it'll be easier to hunt down help

Shadow Systems

Re: Here we go again

MS will GAF once SatNad starts suffering severe groinal injuries each time an MS product doesn't deliver as promised, goes TITSUP, or otherwise fails to do the damned job.

I'd love it if LawnGnomes ran up beneath him, aimed their pointy hats juuuuust so, & leaped up to spear him like a cocktail wiener on a toothpick with a scream of "Fix your shit!"

Of course SatNad would resign & let someone else take the chair, but those pesky LawnGnomes would just keep spearing MS execs in the junk until the problems stopped.

Ah who the hell am I kidding? It'll never happen. LawnGnomes have more pride than that...

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