Reply to post: Re: Time to get rid of ICANN?

ICANN begs Europe: Please fill in the blanks on this half-assed GDPR-compliant Whois we came up with

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Time to get rid of ICANN?

What "ICANN root service"? There's no such thing.

IANA (which is part of ICANN) maintains the root zone. Somebody else is in charge of distributing it to the 12 organisations that run the Internet's root servers, 1 of which is ICANN.

The IP addresses of those root servers has to be embedded in the configuration of just about every resolving DNS server. Once you've convince the planet to use this new non-ICANN root, you have to change the configuation of every one of those resolving servers. Good luck. There have been many attempts to do this. They've generally ended in tears, derision, lawsuits and insolvency or some combination of these.

The chances of all the TLDs agreeing amongst themselves about anything are far, far lower than Boris or Trump telling the truth.

Now suppose we suspend reality and assume this was possible. Something - which presumably was impartial and neutral - would need to oversee the maintenance and co-ordination of your shiny new root. Congratulations! You've just created ICANNv2.

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