Reply to post: Re: An honest question...

I love my electricity company's app – but the FBI says the nuclear industry bribed politicians $60m to kill it

Shadow Systems

Re: An honest question...

The end goal I was thinking of was an entirely local (not cloud based) logging/monitoring capability. You let it log for a month or two in order to get an idea of the normal use patterns of your devices. Once you know $Device usually uses X units of power when in use, then you can write the rules to trigger when $Device uses Y units instead.

A whole house (at the mains into the building) cloud-based monitor wouldn't really work since you could never be sure what caused a spike, only that a spike had happened, and even that much may be too much to hope for if the cloud-service-provider takes their ball & goes home.

Granted, a KAW & wireless plug combo for each & every device in the home would quickly get expensive, but you could make the "monitor to determine a baseline" phase a one-device-at-a-time affair. It'll take longer, but you would still wind up knowing which devices use how much power & which ones deserve a permanent KAW+wireless plug setup.

I imagined a home DIYer could assemble such a system herself, configure it herself, & never need to pay a third party to do the logging/monitoring/alerting/shut off bits for her. Even if you had to buy one set for every device in the home, the money saved by NOT having to pay the third party would quickly prove worth its weight in anti-headache meds.


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